natural English both 9 Read the article in exercise 7 (on p. 7) again. Are sentences 1 to 5 true / or false X ? They both started school on the same day. / 1 Kate and Amanda both worked in the same shop at the weekend. 2 They both went to university in London. 3 They are both very tidy people. 4 They both love loud music. 5 Both of them moved out of the flat. 10 Simon and Marcus are twin brothers. Write sentences about them using both. Simon football &ngiř\e-&r ing art What sport do you Like? 1 What do you study? 2 What are you good at? 3 Do you play an instrument? tt*.e. guitar 4 What do you hate? 5 Where do you live? Marcus d.rf waiting for things wdifi-ng- -for -fki-n^-s in "Z-uricl* i-w Zttritk They both like football, or Both of them Like football. 1 _ 2 _[_ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 1 say it! Say five things that are the same about you and your best friend or someone in your family. Sayuri _Hke singing. 8 unit one neither your grammar Notice that a singular verb is used after neither in written English. Neither Karin nor Sabine was at the party./ Neither of them was at the party. (= Karin wasn't at the party. Sabine wasn't at the party.) Neither my brother nor I speaks French./ Neither of us speaks French. (= My brother doesn't speak French. I don't speak French.) Write sentences about Simon and Marcus using neither. Simon Marcus Do you have a job? Hot ar ttt& tv\om&r\t. No. 1 Do you smoke? Ho. No, X do-n'-r. 2 Can you speak another language? Ho. No. 3 Do you live at home? Ho - boi myself No - wifk -fVie-ttds. 4 Do you have a car? Ho - a wot orbise-. No. 5 Are you interested in computers? Ho. Nor edl. Neither Simon nor Marcus has a job at the moment or Neither of them has a job at the moment. Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English |~] have + noun □ a lot of, much, many, any |~~| saying sorry grammar Q countable/uncountable nouns |~| adjectives and adverbs I I expand your grammar making uncountable nouns countable vocabulary □ food □ restaurant language □ extreme adjectives I I expand your vocabulary gradable and extreme adjectives f Aäm fam% _als natural EngKsh have + noun 1 Order the words to make sentences. The first word is underlined. A you / lunch / have / Did ? Did you have lunch?_ B Yes, I had a sandwich at work. 1 A I'm going to the cafeteria. Do you want anything? B Yes please! morning / didn't / this / breakfast /1 / any / have . 2 A chocolate /day /have /every III some . B Me too! 3 A lunch / with / you / me / want / Do / have / to? B Sure. What time? 4 A What did you do for your mum's birthday? B had / a / restaurant / We / in / dinner / great. 5 A Coffee? B No thanks! I/cups/had/three/morning/have/this . 6 A Do you want to go for a pizza? B I'm not hungry, at /lunch /had /three /o'clock /!_• 7 A Do you want to go to the cinema tonight? B I can't, my III grandparents /dinner /am /with /having A Do you want something to eat? B have I a III biscuit / £an ? ] say ft! Answer the questions. Use hove + noun. Do you always have breakfast? What do you usually have for lunch? How often do you eat fast food? Do you eat a lot of sweet things? Do you drink a lot of tea or coffee? unit two 1 vocabulary food 2 Do the crossword. The pictures are your clues. across grammar countable/uncountable nouns 3 Natsuko is talking to Jane, her landlady in England. Put Natsuko's sentences, a to f, into the conversation. Natsuko c Jane Natsuko Jane No, it's nearly ready, l Natsuko Jane Natsuko Jane Natsuko Jane Natsuko Jane Spaghetti carbonara. It's pasta with bacon, cream, eggs, and cheese. 2 What's a typical evening meal in Japan? 3 OK, it's ready. Help yourself to bread. Do you eat much bread in Japan? 4 Well, that's healthy. 5 Sure, or there's juice in the fridge. a Not much bread, no, but we eat a lot of rice, b Sounds nice. c Do you need help with dinner? d Can I get some water? e What are you making? f We eat a lot of noodles with vegetables, and fish. Actually, I don't eat much fish but most people do. Underline nine more food and drink words in Jane and Natsuko's conversation which are uncountable. 10 unit two natural English a tot of, much, many, any 5 Underline the correct word or words. (Sometimes two are possible.) We haven't got much / many /any juice. 1 People from my country eat much / many / a lot of meat. 2 Are much/many/any of your friends coming to the party? 3 Have you got much / many / any homework tonight? 4 Do you do much / many / any exercise? 5 We play much / many / a lot of games in class. 6 I didn't have much / many / any lunch. 7 How much / many / a lot of people applied for the job? 8 I've got much/many/a lot of work to do today. 1 say it! pronunciation Notice the stressed words in these sentences. Practise saying them. I eat a lot of meat. I don't eat many sweet things. I don't eat any fish. I don't eat much bread. Now talk about what you eat and drink. Use these words. fast food coffee fish pasta meat bread sweet things fizzy drinks your grammar making uncountable nouns countable coffee (U) a coffee (C) = a cup of coffee orange juice (U) an orange juice (C) = a bottle or glass of orange juice beer(U) a beer(C) = a can, a bottle, or a glass of beer Look at some examples. Can you get me an apple juice? Could I have two coffees, please? Who wants a beer? I'd like an orange juice, please. Notice the difference. Do you like coffee? = in general Would you like a coffee? = Do you want a cup of coffee now? Match the sentences with the responses. [e] Do you want another beer? 1 □ I'd like two mineral waters, please. 2 Q Can you get me an orange juice? 3 [] Do you want a coffee? 4 □ There's no juice left. 5 [] I should drink more water. a Me too. I haven't had any today, b Do you want it in a glass or a bottle? c Yes please. Black, no sugar, d Fizzy or still? e No thanks, but I'll novo a cola. f That's OK, I'll get some later. wordbooster restaurant language 6 Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences. I'll have the prawns---—. a for dessert. 1 Are you ready to \ b list. 2 I'd like the chicken for my main \ c all right? 3 Here's the wine ^- d for my starter. 4 Enjoy your e menu now? 5 Is everything f meal. 6 Would you like to see the dessert g the bill, please? 7 I'd like chocolate cake h course. 8 Could I have i order? extreme adjectives 7 Complete the sentences using words from the box. terrible disgusting brilliant delicious gorgeous fabulous This tastes absolutely disgusting . I can't eat it. 1 Ben's new girlfriend is absolutely_. She could be a model. 2 The food was absolutely. best meal I've ever had. 3 That's a_ 4 It was a_ . In fact it was probably the idea. You're so clever! . film - the worst I've seen all year. 5 A How was your holiday? B Fantastic. The hotel was and we had a great time. ^ say it! Talk about these things. Use your voice to show how you feel. your last meal out the last book you read the last film you saw your last holiday unit two 11 \Éf dli Qi your vocabulary gradable and extreme adjectives gradable extreme very, really. absolutely, really... incredibly... good wonderful/fantastic bad terrible/dreadful pretty gorgeous small tiny big huge/enormous hot boiling cold freezing interesting fascinating hungry starving tired exhausted Look at these examples. A It's really hot, isn't it? B Yes, it's absolutely boiling. A Are you tired? B I'm really exhausted. Complete the sentences using the adjectives above. a Was the party good? b Absolutely fantastic ! We had a great time. 1 a b 2 a b 3 a b 4 a b Are you_? Absolutely starving! Let's have lunch. It's very_in here. Yeah, I'm boiling. Will you open the windows? Their baby is incredibly small, isn't she? Yes, she's really_. I'm going home. I'm really tired. Me too. I'm absolutely_. 5 a Have you read this book? It's very b 6 a b 7 a b 8 a b Yes. It's fascinating, isn't it? Do you think she's_? Yes, absolutely gorgeous. Is the water cold? It's really_. Their apartment's quite big, isn't it? It's_! 12 unit two be the perfect guest natural English saying sorry think back!- _J You're late for work. Think of four possible reasons. 8 Write sentences saying you're sorry and explaining why. Use the words given. You're having a business meeting. You're late. I'm sorry I'm late. My car broke down, {car/break down) You invited a friend to your house for dinner. You've ordered a takeaway meal. I didn't have time to cook anything. I'm really sorry, (no time/cook) 1 You're meeting a friend. You're late. __. (miss / bus) 2 You're having dinner at a friend's house. You're late. _. (get / lost) 3 You're having dinner at a friend's house. You haven't taken any wine. _ (no time /buy / wine) 4 You're meeting a friend for lunch. You're late. _. (have/meeting/work) 5 It's your friend's birthday. You don't have a present for her. _. (no time/buy/present) ^ say it! pronunciation Notice the stressed words in these sentences. Practise saying them. I'm sorry I'm late. My car broke down. I didn't have time to cook anything. I'm really sorry. You are the friend. Respond to the apologies in sentences 1 to 5. grammar adjectives and adverbs 9 Complete the sentences using the word given as an adjective or an adverb. Can you speak more slowly_please? She's very Quiet_. Those people were incredibly. She plays the guitar really_ You passed the test_ 4 Don't get_ 5 She always drives very_ 6 It was a_match. It was an accident. 9 10 7 The film was. 8 Danish is_ You look_ Ask her_ dreadful. _ difficult to learn. _. Is something wrong? and she might help you. slow quiet kind good easy angry careful brilliant absolute incredible unhappy nice careful absolute QU easy 111 C 6 unhappy angry inert dibi t kind 10 There are five more mistakes with adjectives and adverbs in the second e-mail. Correct them. m** n I'm having lunch with a colleague who's visiting us from Sweden. Where should I take her? Have you been to Bluewater Cafe? terrible. Don't go to Bluewater Cafe! I had a tgjtfbiy dinner there last week! We waited for our food for a longtime. When it finally came my meal was cold and my friend's meal was disgusting! The waiter was incredible rude and when we complained the manager shouted at us. And the meal was expensive! Why don't you go to Ceruttis? I had lunch there last Saturday and it was really well. The waitress served us very quick. The food was absolute delicious and it was quite cheaply. In fact, I'm thinking of going there again next Saturday for my girlfriend's birthday. Write your own response to the e-mail. Write about two restaurants or cafes in your area. unit two 13