one Tick (/) when you've done these sections. natural English □ What's... like? Q showing a lot of interest f~| possessive's □ both grammar □ question forms □ past simple [~~| expand your grammar neither vocabulary |~~| talking about you and your family □ relatives expand your vocabulary describing things how to a&#c|tjestions natural English What's ... like? 1 Match the questions and answers. [e] What's the house like? 1 □ What's the weather like? 2 □ What was the film like? 3 What's your sister like? 4 □ What was the food like? 5 □ What was the party like? 6 Q What's your teacher like? 7 □ What's the beach like? 8 □ What's their new CD like? a Great. There were lots of people there. b A bit boring, actually. It was too long and Julia Roberts wasn't very good. c The dessert was fantastic. d Some of the songs on it are great. e Really big inside with a beautiful garden. f Really cold. We get a lot of snow at this time of the year. g Beautiful, and the water is really clear. h Good. I like his classes. i Actually, she's a bit shy and quiet. Not like me at all! pronunciation Notice the stressed words (underlined) in exercise 1. Practise asking the questions. You meet someone from New Zealand. Ask them questions about the weather the countryside the food their town the people Now answer the questions about your own country. your vocabulary describing things Here are more answers for questions 1 to 8 in exercise 1. What/who is being described? a person a film a hotel the weather a party some food a book a CD a teacher She's very sociable, /'saojabl/ 1 It was very scary /'skesri/ and Brad Pitt was good in it. 2 It was very luxurious. /lAg'3oari3s/ 3 It's often very humid. 4 It was fun and I met lots of people. 5 The story's really complicated. /'kDmplikeitid/ 6 The first song is very catchy. 7 It's a bit too spicy for me. 8 He's popular with all the students. Read sentences 1 to 8 again and match the words in bold with definitions a to h. likes going out and meeting sociable people a very comfortable and _ expensive b enjoyable _ c frightening _ d has a lot of chilli in it _ e the air is warm and wet _ f you hear it once and _ remember it g Lots of people like him _ h difficult to understand _ test yourself! Read definitions a to h again and cover the answers. Remember the adjectives. grammar question forms X Samantha is on a train in Italy. She's reading an English magazine. Gabriela is Italian. Write her questions. G Excuse me, ore you from England ? (from England) S Yes, I am. G I_? (What/name) S I'm Samantha. G I_? (Where/live) S In London. G I like London. \_? (What / do there) S I'm a photographer. G That's interesting! f_ (on holiday/Italy) S Yes, I'm visiting my brother. He lives here with his wife. G Really! 3_? (she / Italian) S Yes, she is. G 6_? (Where / meet) S In Italy when he was studying Italian. She was his teacher! G Wow! 7_? (Have got/children) S Yes, a little boy. G 8_ S Thomas is four. G 9 ? (How old) ? (How often / brother / go back to England) S Two or three times every year. He works for an airline so he travels for free. G That's fantastic! natural English showing a Lot of interest 3 In exercise 2 underline four phrases that Gabriela uses to show interest. Ü say it! Respond to these statements. Use your voice to show interest. My sister's an actress. My brother's just written a book. I've got a new job! I'm going to study in America next year. Sam's got a new boyfriend. My dad speaks fluent French and German. unit one 5 relatives ______ —— —— —— ——— wordbooster talking about you and your family think back! Remember five words for people in your family. sister ) 4 Make new sentences with the same meaning. Use the words given. Every Christmas my relatives get together. celebration Every Christmas we have a big family celebration. 1 I haven't got any brothers or sisters. only I _ 5 Who are Lynda's relatives? Replace the underlined words with a word from the box. grandfather daughter aunt nephew brother-in-law cousin niece uncle stepfather Edward was her mum's father. grandfather_ 1 John's her sister's husband. 2 I don't live with anyone else. I_ 3 We often have arguments. We_ 4 I have a good relationship with my boss. I_ 5 The teachers at school have a lot of rules. The teachers _ 6 My sister looks after her child alone. My sister _ 7 Their wedding was last September. They_ 8 My brother and I have a good relationship. My brother and I_ own a lot get on strict parent married close 2 Katie's her brother's daughter. 3 David's her mum's brother. 4 Jenny's her mum's sister. 6 Peter's her mum's second husband. 7 Anna's her uncle's child. 8 Isabella's her baby girl. 6 unit one (:š relationships natural English possessive's Look at the family tree on p.6. Answer the questions. More than one answer may be possible. Who's Sally? She's Paul's He's _ 1 Who's John? 2 Who's James? He's 3 Who's Jane? She's 4 Who's Luke? He's 5 Who's Elsie? She's 6 Who's Katie? She's 7 Who's Sally? She's wife, husband, lather, mother, son. grandmother, sister. sister-in-law. aunt. 8 Who's Loraine? She's _ test yourself] Look at the family tree again and talk about the people. Sally is Paul's wife. Sally is Lynda's sister-in-law. grammar past simple 7 Complete the article using verbs from the box in the past simple, get start have sit rent be leave do meet talk move friends... I met my best friend Kate on our first day at school 15 years ago. We *_ a new school on the same day. We ^_next to each other in class every day and we \_ 4 on the phone every evening. In fact, we f_everything together. When we were sixteen we even 5 jobs in the same shop on Saturdays. f When we__school we chose the same university in London and we Z_a flat together. It ^_terrible. I'm really tidy and she's messy. She loves loud music whereas I'm quieter. After two days in the same house we ^_our first argument! After three months she__out. We're still best friends but we never lived together again! grammar past simple question forms and negatives 8 Complete the sentences using the words given. A What did you do (do) last night? B I watched TV. 1 A What was the restaurant like yesterday? B We_(not / go). We got a takeaway instead. 2 A _(Miki / win) her match last week? B No, she lost. 3 A Where's Elena? B She left ten minutes ago. She _(not / feel) very well. 4 A When school? B In 1998. (you/leave) 5 A (you/buy) anything? B No. It was all too expensive. 6 A Why [Sonia / go) home so early last night? B She was really tired. 7 A What was the film like? B I_(not/enjoy) it. 8 A (your parents / pay) for the trip? B No, I saved the money myself. takeaway /'teikswei/ (n) a meal from a restaurant that you eat at home R write it! Write an article about your oldest school friend. When did you meet? Why did you get on? How did you meet? Do you still see each other now? unit one 7 natural English both 9 Read the article in exercise 7 (on p.7) again. Are sentences 1 to 5 true / or false / ? They both started school on the same day. / 1 Kate and Amanda both worked in the same shop at the weekend. 2 They both went to university in London. 3 They are both very tidy people. 4 They both love loud music. 5 Both of them moved out of the flat. 10 Simon and Marcus are twin brothers. Write sentences about them using both. Simon Marcus What sport do you Like? football What do you study? e-ngine-e-r Ing What are you good at? art art Do you play an instrument? rke. guitar fWe. ffUitar What do you hate? waiting "for things WAlfi-H^- -for fki-n Where do you live? in ~Z-uiriC-k- I'-H Zw\tW They both like football, or Both of them like football. 1 _ 2 _ 3 _ 4 _ 5 _ 1 say it! Say five things that are the same about you and your best friend or someone in your family. your grammar neither Notice that a singular verb is used after neither in written English. Neither Karin nor Sabine was at the party./ Neither of them was at the party. (= Karin wasn't at the party. Sabine wasn't at the party.) Neither my brother nor I speaks French./ Neither of us speaks French. (= My brother doesn't speak French. I don't speak French.) Write sentences about Simon and Marcus using neither. Simon Marcus Do you have a job? Hot at the-wom&nt. Wo. 1 Do you smoke? Ho. No, I do-n'f. 2 Can you speak another language? No. No. 3 Do you live at home? No - blA WO - WIT It 4 Do you have a car? No - a nnot orbifce.. No. 5 Are you No. Not at edi. interested in computers? Neither Simon nor Marcus has a job at the moment, or Neither of them has a job at the moment. 8 unit one