TEST 1 1. She was expected to come at five o'clock and she arrived exactly........time. a) at b)with c) on d) by 2. Let's go to a restaurant,........? a) do we b) let we c) will you d) shall we 3. We can't........a new house. It's too expensive. a) afford b) pay c) to buy d) spend 4. When I was having a bath the lights........out and I was left in darkness. a) put b) turned c) went d) gone 5. He will repair the car tomorrow if he........time. a) had b) has c) have d) will have 6. If you are going to visit Mary, could you please........this book to her? a) take b) lend c) pick d) fetch 7.1 think........this house needs is a swimming-pool. a) what b) that c) which d) how 8.1 wish I........how to help you. a) have known b) knew c) could knew d) know 9.1 am fed up........listening to your stupid excuses every day. a) of b) with c) to d) because of 10. If she hadn't been unfaithful, he........her. a) wouldn't leave b) doesn't leave c) wouldn't have left d) wouldn't left 11.1 am going to the dentist......... a) to have my tooth pulled out b) to have pulled out my tooth c) have filled my tooth out d) to make my tooth pulled out 12. You........better not tell lies to your mother. a) would b) should c) had d) ought 13. Despite being warned, Peter hasn't been able to stop......... a) cheat b) to be cheat c) cheating d) cheated 14.1 am in a hurry but I'll........my best to help you. a) do b) work c) make d) give 15. This building is........as a warehouse at the moment. a) having used b) being used c) having been used d) to use 16. I've got some sugar, but not......... a) many b) a lot of c) much d) a good many 17.........a present for your wife when I saw you this afternoon? a) Have you been buying b) Have you bought c) Were you buying d) Are you buying 18.1 think you would go mad if you........your job. a) gave up b) gave off c) give up 19. My father said that spot........the best place for a picnic. a) is b) has been c) liked 20. We won't be able to get into the house........we have a key. a) unless b) if c) provided 21.1 think it's time........ a) we separated c) we are separating b) we separate d) we to separate. d) gave out d) was d) when d) later on 22. We must wait........Monday morning for our exam results. a) till b) after c) by 23.1........you since 9 o'clock. Where have you been? a) am waiting for b) am expecting c) have been waiting for d) waited for 24.........Mont Blanc is the highest mountain in the Alps. a) The b) - c) A 25. That excercise was........complicated that I gave up. a) so b) such c) too 26. He had to take her to the station,........? a) did he b) didn't he c) had he 27. It is very important to........a good impression at the interview. a) make b) do c) take 28.1 am looking........his glasses. a) to b) for c) after 29. Why........the milk? Does it smell sour? a) do you smell b) you smell c) are you smelling d) have you smelling 30. He looks terrible. He........be tired. a) must b) have to c) should d) would 31. You may smoke on the balcony or........the garden but not in your room. a) on b) in c) at d) out 32.........have beer or wine? a) Do you prefer b) Do you like c) Would you rather d) Would you like d)An d) such a d) hadn't he d) give d) at 8 33. You........the money for we had a credit card. a) mustn't change b) needn't change c) didn't have to change d) needn't have changed 34.1 used to........alcohol, but now I'm a teetotaller. a) drinking b) drink 35.........his old age, he got married. a) In spite b) Although 36. He swims........a fish. a) as b) like 37. Hold........a minute. I won't be long. a) up b) on 38. Clare's flight has been delayed........to bad weather. a) on account b)for 39. Under no........will I allow such a thing. a) circumstances b) situations 40. My job is......... a) exhausted b) exhausting 41. It was........film I have ever seen. a) worse b) worst 42.1 like........in bed until midday. a) lying b) to lie 43.1 am used........a lot of tea. a) to drink b) drinking 44. He........in bed since he broke his leg. a) is b) was 45. She works even better than......... a) others b) the others 46. The bath is full........hot water. a) from b) up 47. Don't ask me to dance - I'm hopeless........dancing. a) in b) with c) at 48.1 don't have........to help you now. a) enough of time b) a time c) enough time 49. Neither my father........my mother could understand my problem. c) drank c) Though c) such c) out ither. c) because c) circumstance c) bored c) terrifying c) liyng c) to drinking c) has been c) others people c)of a) or b) nor c) and d) be drinking d) Despite d) similar d)off d) due d) situation d) tired d) the worst d) to lay d) drink d) were d) another d) with d) about d) plenty time d) neither 50. Although she tried to open the door as........as she could she woke up her child. a) quiet b) more quiet c) quite d) quietly 1. c: on time = přesně (in time = včas, tj. abychom něco stihli) 2. d: tázací dovětek pro 1. os. mn. č. je shall we? 3. a: dovolit si 4. c: go out = frázové sloveso, zn. zhasnout (samo o sobe); put out = uveřejnit, rozšiřovat, uhasit, aktivně zhasnout; turn out = ukázat se, vyjít najevo, vypnout, aktivně zhasnout 5. b: 1. typ podmínkových vět 6. a: take = vzít; lend = půjčit; pitch = sbírat, sebrat, vybrat si; fetch = vyzvednout, přinést, dojít pro, zajít pro 7. a: what = to, co (vedl. věta podmětná) 8. b: přání v přítomnosti 9. b: be fed up with = být něčím otrávený, naštvaný 10. c: 3. typ podmínkových vět 11. a: vazba have st. done = dát si něco udělat (tj. neděláme to my, ale někdo jiný pro nás); místo have můžeme použít get, což působí naléhavěji c; had better = raději bys měl 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. c: minulý čas průběhový, delší činnost 18. c; po despite je buď podstatné jméno nebo - ing forma slovesa (gerundium) a: do one's best = udělat, co je možné b: trpný rod v průběhu c: nepočitatelné podst. jm. a: give up = stop, přestat, zde se jedná o podmínkovou větu neskutečnou v přítomnosti, proto minulý čas; give ojf= vonět, dýmit, sálat; give out = rozdat, rozdělit 19. d: nepřímá řeč; Po slovese říci v minulém čase a jiných slovesech uvádějících nepřímou řeč (tzv. introductory verbs), se přítomný čas v přímé řeči změní v minulý v nepřímé řeči 20. a: unless = jestliže ne (if, provided jsou podmínkové spojky, sloveso by mělo být v záporu, when je časová spojka) 21. a: po vazbě it's time, po které následuje druhý podmět, používáme minulý čas. Tato vazba má podobný význam jako 2. typ podm. vět: It would be better if we separated. 22. a: till = až do urč. doby (děje se to před touto dobou a skončí to v této době); by = mohlo by se to stát i před určenou dobou 23. c: předpřítomný čas průběhový, čeká po určitou dobu, od určitého okamžiku v mi- nulosti až do této chvíle 24. b: pohoří je s určitým členem, konkrétní hora bez členu 25. a: po so následuje přídavné jméno nebo příslovce, po such podstatné jméno too (= příliš), nelze v takto postavené větě použít (musela by vypadat: The exercise is too complicated for me to do it.) 10 11 26. b: tázací dovětek {Did you have to take... Takhle bychom se ptali a dovětek musíme dát do záporu!) 27. a: vazba make an impression 28. b: look for = hledat; look at = dívat se na; look after = starat se; look to = obracet se k někomu pro pomoc, doufat v něco smell ve významu vonět nebo páchnout nemá průběh, ale ve významu přičichávat se jedná o činnost a používá se průběhový tvar 29. c: 30. a: must v přeneseném významu, znamená určitě ano 31. b: in the garden = na zahradě; když uvažujeme o místě jako o ploše, použijeme in, když jako o bodu, tak at 32. d: what = to, co (vedl. věta podmětná) 33. d: needn't have changed = nemusel, ale udělal; didn't have to = nemusel něco dělat, a také to neudělal; for zde znamená protože 34. b: vazba used to pro vyjádření minulosti, něčeho co bylo, ale teď je to jinak 35. d: po despite následuje podst. jm.; po although, though celá vedlejší věta a k in spite patří of 36. b: like = jako, vyjadřuje podobnost; as = jako, vyjadřuje totožnost 37. b: hold on = chvíli počkat nebo vydržet; hold up = zdržet se; hold out = vydržet, nepoddat se; hold off = zabraňovat, odrážet 38. d: due to = kvůli, pro špatné počasí (po for a because následuje celá vedl. věta) 39. a: okolnosti, za žádných okolností 40. b: vyčerpávající (be exhausted = být vyčerpán) 41. d: 3. stupeň (bad - worse - the worst) 42. a: po like v tomto kontextu používáme gerundium 43. c: be used to + -ing nebo podst. jm. = být na něco zvyklý 44. c: použijeme předpřítomný čas, neboť děj zasahuje do současnosti 45. b: the others = ostatní; others = jiní; others people nejde, správně other people; another = jedn. číslo 46. c: plný něčeho 47. c: vazba be hopeless at = být v něčem nemožný 48. c: dost času, nejlogičtější odpověď 49. b: neither........nor = ani........ani 50. d: srovnávací as........as a příslovce quietly TEST 2 1. If you need........sensible advice, ask your parents. a) a little of b) some c) the d) a 2.........the time you get to the airport, the plane will have taken off. a) In b) Until c) On d) By 3. Can you tell me the........of this fur coat? a) expense b) price c) prize d) charge 4. My friend Marta is married........a Frenchman. a) to b) with c) by d) in 5. If he........joy rides, he would go to the fair. a) like b) likes c) liked d) will like 6. He admitted........the money. a) taking b) to take c) have taken d) took 7. He is........old to be his father. a) so b) enough c) not d) too 8. They let us......... a) going b) to go c) go d) to leave 9. The window........before I arrived. a) has been opened b) was being opened c) had been opened d) had opened 10. Why are you listening to music? You are supposed......... a) to be studying b) study c) to study d) studying 11. He was arrested and charged........the murder. a) for b) of c) with d) in 12. "You........better start immediately," mother said. a) should b) ought c) would d) had 13. There's a fire - call........fire brigade! a) - b) their c) a d) the 14. I wish he......... a) could come b) will come c) comes d) coming 15. Kate........at the shop this afternoon, I didn't see her there. a) mustn't be b) must have been c) can't have been d) ought to be 16.1 don't think you should put........the meeting. a) off b) out c) in d) down 12 13 17. You don't think he is coming,........? a) is he b) isn't he c) don 7 you d) do you 18. He had difficulty........his way through the crowd. a) do b) making c) make d) to do 19. When she speaks to you, you........hear her. a) can't hardly b) can hardly c) can even d) can't scarcely 20. He went there........, nobody accompanied him. a) by himself b) himself c) on himself d) by his own 21. He smokes in bed,........1 don't like it. a) despite b) in spite c) though d) in spite of 22.1 am saving up to go travelling so I have to cut........on what I spend on food. a) off b) down c) of d) on 23. Either my father........my mother is interested in fashion, I don't know. a) or b) and c) neither d) as well as 24. It's high time you........your blood pressure checked. a) have b) take c) had d) give 25. What do you advise........? a) me doing b) me to do c) to me doing d) me do 26.1 have never seen........long film. a) so b) too c) such d) such a 27. You'd better........in the sun for too long. a) don't sit b) not sitting c) not sit d) not to sit 28.1 was cooking while he......... .a) was studying b) studied c) has been studying d) study 29. She........happier if she could concentrate on her work. a) will be b) would be c) is d) was 30. Don't worry there is........beer. a) plenty of b) plenty c) a plenty d) a plenty of 31. Is Mary........Mike? a) so tall as b) taller than c) taller as d) as taller as 32. Trams into town run........ten minutes. a) each b) some c) evety d) all 33. The lift has broken......... a) down b) of c) in d) off 34. The new house........ a) builds c) is now being built b) now is building d) is now building 35. He........married for 10 years before he got divorced. a) has been b) had been c) were c) But I can c) buy 36. "Frank can't speak French." "........". a) Neither can't I b) So can't I 37. Lack of money prevented us........a new car. a) to buy b) with buying 38. When winter comes we will not be able to sit in the garden .., a) longer b) more c) any more 39. It is two years........I finished school. a) for b) since c) by 40.1 am thinking........emigrating. a) of b) I c)for 41. If you don't know a word, you can........in the dictionary. a) look for it b) look it up c) see it 42.1........do the shopping myself. My husband did it. a) didn't have b) needn't have c) didn't have 43. If you........your best, you may master French in two years. a) do b) try c) make 44. If you don't set........early, you won't reach your destination. a) in b) out c) of 45.........it rains soon, there won't be any fruit in our garden this a) If b) As long as c) Unless 46. Tom studied much more than his........schoolmates. a) other b) others c) another 47. They........living there for two years before they moved. a) had been b) has been c) might be 48. We were made a) work b) working 49. He is good........diving. a) in b) at 50. Could you possibly come........sooner? a) little b) more c) worked c)for c) less d) had got d) Nor speak I d) from buying d) much longer d) when d) to d) look it of to d) needn't d) will do d) quite d) Provided d) the other d) could be d) to work d) with d) a little year. 14 15 r VÝSLEDKY - TEST 2 1. b: advice je nepoč. podst. jm.; jediná logická odpověď 2. á: by the time = do té doby, tou dobou 3. b: expense = výdaj; prize - cena, výhra; charge = poplatek 4. a: vazba marry to sb. 5. c: podmínková věta neskut, v přítomnosti, 2. typ 6. a: po slovese admit následuje gerundium 7. d: příliš starý (enough by mělo jiný pořádek slov, tj. old enough) 8. c: po slovese let následuje infinitiv bez to stejně jako po make, slovesech smyslového vnímání a vazbách would rather a had better 9. c: předminulý čas v trpném rodě 10. a: následuje současný infinitiv v průběhovém tvaru 11. c: obvinit z něčeho {charge with = blame for = accuse of) 12. d: vazba you had better = raději bys měl 13. d: jediná logická odpověď, název skupiny 14. a: prací věta v přítomnosti 15. c: určitě nebyla 16. a: put off= odložit; put away = uložit, uklidit; put out = uveřejnit, rozšiřovat; put down = potlačit, zmařit, ponižovat, kritizovat 17. d: tázací dovětek 18. b: prorazit si cestu davem, po vazbě have difficulty se užívá gerundium 19. b: hardly je záporný výraz, znamená takřka ne 20. a: by himself = sám (může se použít i on his own) 21. c: though = ačkoliv (po despite a in spite of následuje jen podst. jm. nebo gerundium) 22. b: cut down on = omezit; cut off = odříznout; cut up = rozkrájet, rozporcovat; cut out = vyzdvihnout, skončit s, vynechat 23. a: vazba either .... or = jak .... tak 24. c: vazba have st. done; vazba it's time viz test č. 1, ot. 21 25. b: po slovese to advise vždy následuje infinitiv 26. d: po such a je podstatné jméno počitatelné v jednotném čísle, proto použijeme neurčitý člen, po so následuje jen přídavné jméno nebo příslovce 27. c: vazba had better, následuje po ní inf. bez to 28. a: oba dva děje probíhaly v minulosti současně 29. b: podmínkové souvětí neuskutečněné v přítomnosti, tzv. 2. typ podm. vět 30. a: beer je nepočitatelné podst. jm., nelze použít neurčitý člen a 31. b: drahý stupeň příd. jmen, srovnání by bylo as tall as 32. c: pouze every se používá ve významu jak často se něco děje 33. a: break down = rozbít, přestat fungovat; break in = vloupat se; break off= ulomit se, utrhnout, ukončit vztah, break out = vypuknout, propuknout 34. c: trpný rod v průběhu 35. b: předminulý čas, děj proběhl před jiným dějem v minulosti 36. c: jediná logická odpověď, vazba so do I, neither do I 37. d: prevent from = zabránit něčemu, následuje gerundium nebo podst. jm. 38. c: any more (také any longer) = už ne 39. b: since = od té doby, for = po nějakou dobu, by = do určité doby, when = když 40. a: think of= přemýšlet o něčem, zvažovat něco 41. b: look up = vyhledat (v seznamu, slovníku); look far = hledat něco 42. c: nemusel jsem něco dělat a také jsem to neudělal 43. a: do one's best = snažit se co nejvíc 44. b: set out = vyrazit na cestu; set in = začít fungovat, nastat 45. c; unless = jestliže ne, spojka musí mít záporný význam, aby věta dávala smysl 46. a: other = ostatní (others = jiní; another = jedn. číslo) 47. a: předminulý čas, něco probíhalo po určitou dobu v minulosti před jiným dějem v minulosti 48. d: po slovese make není plný infinitiv s to, výjimkou je trpný rod!!! 49. b: be good at + gerundium = být v něčem dobrý 50. d: a little = trochu; little = málo; more = více; less = méně 16 17 TEST 3 1. If my sister were here, she........what to say. a) would have known b) would know c) knew d) will know 2. How are you getting........with this excercise? a) for b) up c) on 3. You shouldn't have........fun of your schoolmate. a) made b) done c) did 4. You may master the Czech language........two years. a) for b) since 5.1 must cut........smoking. a) down on b) up with 6. What would you do if I........about it? a) forget b) will forget c) about c) down with c) forgot d) in d) take d) in d) out on d) forgetting 7. If only I........bring my dog into the restaurant. a) could to b) was allowed c) were allowed to d) will be allowed 8. Susan is a bit lazy, her school results are........than her brother's. a) worse b) worst c) the worst d) less 9. Although he was ill for some time, he succeeded........all the lessons he had missed. a) to learn b) in learning c)for learn d) to study 10. He was said........her. a) being jealous of c) to have been jealous for b) to be jealous of d) be jealous for 11. If I had managed my time better, I........write you sooner. a) will be able b) would be able c) can be able d) would have been able to 12. By the end of the year, she........for 20 years. a) will have been acting b) will act c) will be acting 13. He refused........till he had seen all the presents. a) leaving b) to leave c) left 14. We were not disappointed when we saw her,........? a) weren't we b) were we c) did we 15.........National Theatre was built in the 19th century. a) - b) A c) An 16.1 wanted to know if........ready to go. a) are you b) were you c) you were d) has acted d) leave d) didn't we d)The d) you are 17. When I was looking for a book I came........an old wedding picture. a) to b) across c) on d)for 18. Susan arrived without........by anybody. a) was invited b) being invited c) be invited d) invite 19. You had........sell your car. a) better b) rather to c) - d) better to 20. We will........the roof repaired. a) have to b) have to have c) to have d) having 21. He is looking forward to........his first salary. a) be receiving b) receive c) receiving d) have received 22. Friendship is very important in........people's lives. a) most b) most of c) the most d) the 23. Don't listen to him........much he tries to persuade you. a) however b) why c) how d) whatever 24. Could you please give me........more of that lovely ice-cream? a) little b) several c) a little d) many 25.1........spoke to Jim three years ago. a) last time b) last c) lastly d) the last time 26. We had to take........extra staff for the wedding party. a) for b) on c) up d) to 27. Take this pill. It will........you better. a) do b) make c) doing d)feel 28. Everyone........I knew liked him. a) that b) who c) what d) whom 29. Your unwillingness, which we have had to put ........ for too long, is beginning to annoy our customers. a) with b)for c) up with d) with for 30. She was annoyed by something that I......... a) had said b) saying c) told d) has said 31. He is nervous about......... a) examining b) being examined c) having been examined d) be examined 32.1 am angry with......... a) me b) mine c) my d) myself 33. He complained to me........a fever. a) about having b) of having c) of d) to have IS 19 34. If she had taken my advice she........happier now. a) would be b) would have been c) could have been d) is 35. He thought that it......... a) will snow mm? TEST 3 b) will be snowing c) would snow d) may snow 36. I have a part-time job; I work only........day. a) one the other b) every other c) each other d) the other every 37. If he........the letter, I'll post it. a) has written b) wrote c) write d) will write d) following d) much 38. He seems to........us. a) follow b) have followed c) be following 39. The plate was........hot to touch. a) very b) too c) enough 40.1 would have advised them not to go for a walk........the bad weather. a) due of b) because c) because of d) owing 41. You........, you could have taken the lift. a) needn't have walked up b) needn't walk up c) didn't have walk up d) mustn't walk up 42. I won't go to the dancing lessons this week.......... b) Neither will I d) Nor I will c) in c) eating d)of d) have eaten a) Neither I will c) Neither I will go 43. The bus driver will tell you where to get a) out b) off 44. Are you used to.......vegetables? a) eat b) be eating 45.1 can get to Paris by plane or train but........way it is very expensive. a) either b) neither c) both d) any 46. "I missed the last bus." "Don't worry, I can put you........on the sofa." a) on b) up c) in 47. I was trying.......the wardrobe, but I couldn't. a) to move b) moved c) moving 48.1 am going to get this diploma,........long it takes. a) while b) no matter c) however d) down d) be moved d) nevertheless 49.........our dinner, we had a cup of coffee. a) Having finished c) Finished 50. Stop making........noise. a) too much b) so much b) Have finished d) We have finished c) very 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. a: 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. podmínka neskutečná v přít., tzv. 2. typ get on with - jak ti to jde, jak pokračuješ v tom cvičení; get over = překonat nějaký problém, zvládnout ho; get up = vstávat; get through = dostat spojení, dovolat se, překonat, přežít vazba make fun, zde použijeme po should minulý infinitiv bez to (neměl jsi) in = za nějakou dobu; since = od nějaké doby; about = asi, pnbližně;/or = po nějakou dobu cut down on = omezit, ostatní nemají smysl neskutečná podmínka v přít., tzv. 2 typ prací věta v přít., vycházíme z opisu slovesa may = be allowed to worse = horší, ostatní tvary the worst (nejhorší) ani less (méně) nedávají smysl ustálená vazba succeed in + gerundium. použijeme přítomný inf.; to be jealous ofsb. = žárlit na někoho neskutečná podmínka v minulosti, tzv. 3. typ, komplikovanější o opis slovesa can = be able to předbudoucí čas průběhový, něco, co se uskuteční do určitého okamžiku v budoucnosti po refuse následuje infinitiv tázací dovětek, musí být kladný člen určitý, podobně jako to the opera, the cinema atp. nepřímá řeč, pořadí slov jako v oznamovací větě, přítomný čas se mění v minulý come across = náhodou potkat; come to = napadnout, najednou si uvědomit; come on = tak pospěš si, tak pojď; come out = vydat, zveřejnit po některých předložkách následuje gerundium (např. without, by, after, atd.) you had better = raději bys měl; po této vazbě následuje infinitiv bez to vazba have st. done spolu s opisem slovesa muset (have to) look forward to + gerundium most = většina; nejlogičtější odpověď however much he tries = ať se sebevíc snaží; whatever = cokoliv a little more = trochu víc; little = málo; several = pro počitatelná podst. jména, znamená několik, pár; many = mnoho d) so too much 25. b: last = naposledy 20 21 26. b: take on = přijmout nebo začít zaměstnání; take off= vznést se, odstartovat, svléci se; take time off = vzít si volno; take up = pustit se do něčeho, začít něco dělat; take to = oblíbit si, přijít na chuť 27. b: vazba make better 28. a: po everyone a ostatních složeninách může následovat jedině that; v této větě bychom that mohli vypustit, protože nezastupuje podmět 29. c: put up with = snášet, tolerovat; put away = uklidit, dát na místo; put up to - navádět k něčemu špatnému; put together = dát dohromady, zorganizovat 30. a: předminulý čas, nejdřív jsem něco řekl a poté byla rozčilena 31. b: trpný rod, po vazbě be nervous about následuje gerundium 32. d: zvratné myself (m sebe) 33. b: complain of + gerundium = stěžovat si na nemoci, bolesti; complain about + gerundium = stěžovat si na vše ostatní 34. a: podmínkové souvětí smíšené, kdyby dala na mou radu (neskutečná v minulosti, tzv. 3. typ), teď by byla šťastnější (neskutečná v přítomnosti, tzv. 2. typ) 35. c: nepřímá řeč, po slovese v minulém čase se v nepřímé řeči will změní na would 36. b: every other - každý druhý; each other = navzájem, jeden druhému; ostatní výrazy nemají smysl 37. a: jestliže ten dopis dopíše, po if nemůže následovat will, proto jen has written 38. c: infinitiv přítomný v průběhu 39. b: příliš horký, jediná logická možnost 40. c: because of= vlivem, následkem něčeho; k due a owing patří to (due to, owing to) a po because by musela následovat celá vedlejší věta 41. a: nemusel jsi jít pěšky (ale on šel) 42. b: souhlas se zápornou větou 43. b: get off = vystoupit (z vlaku, autobusu); get out = vystoupit (z auta); get in = dora- zit na místo, přiletět, přijet; get over = překonat něco, oklepat se 44. c: be used to + gerundium / podstatné jméno 45. a: either = nezáleží na tom, který ze dvou; jeden nebo druhý, kterýkoliv 46. b: put up = ubytovat 47. a: try + inf. = vynaložit úsilí a neuspět; try + gerund. = zkoušet, experimentovat 48. c: however long it takes = ať to trvá jakkoliv dlouho; po no matter by muselo násle- dovat how; however, nevertheless = nicméně 49. a: přechodník minulý, nejdřív jsme dojedli a potom si dali kafe 50. b: takový randál; jediná možnost Some people like watching soap operas but........hate them. a) other b) others c) the others For long........we use the plane. a) journeys b) ways c) trips Could you choose........you wanted to buy? a) that b) which c) how We didn't check the battery and now it's dead. We........it. a) should check b) must checked c) should have checked d) ought to check I wish I........tennis as a child. a) played b) would had played c) had played ........I come late, my mother is angry with me. a) As soon b) Whenever I have been in London......... a) since 2 weeks b) for 2 weeks Tomorrow I........the whole afternoon. a) will wrote c) will be writing c) While c) 2 weeks ago b) will have written d) writing She is happy........the exam. a) to have passed b) to pass What is your preferred........of transport? a) way b) mean What will he do when he........school? a) will finish b) has finished c) to had passed c) means 10 11 12. If you........too much chocolate, you will put on weight. 13. a) will eat b) would eat c) finished c) eat 14. 15. 16. My car is now......... a) servising c) service I am going to the dressmaker's a) to have a new dress made c) have a new dress make b) having serviced d) being serviced b) to make a new dress d) to have made a new d) another d) voyages d) what d) would play d) Unlike d) in 2 weeks d) passing d) piece d) finish d) eating I like neither Bohemian dumplings........potato dumplings. a) and b) nor c) or Do you feel like........to the restaurant? a) going b) go c) to go dress d) as will as d) will go 22 23