13. Trpný rod Příklad: jedlý nezapomenutelný 21) čitelný 22) neuvěřitelný 23) pochopitelný 24) nevyslovitelný 25) rozdělitelný 26) nerozbitný 27) viditelný 28) neodpustitelný 29) slyšitelný 30) nevysvětlitelný 31) směnitelný 32) neviditelný 33) přenosný [např. televize] 34) neslyšný 35) omyvatelný 36) nesnesitelný 37) zapamatovatelný 38) nevyhnutelný 39) spolehlivý 40) neobyvatelný edible/ It can be eaten, unforgettable/ It cannot be forgotten. l.../It... u.../It ... u.../It... U.../It... s.../It ... u.../It... v.../It ... u.../It... a.../It... i.-./It ... C.../It... i.../It... p.../It... i.-./It... W.../It ... U.../It... m.../It... u.../It ... r.../It... u.../It... Trpný rod v přítomném čase. Přeložte. 41) Kouření zakázáno! 42) To se často říká. 43) Tyto noviny se vydávají v Manchesteru. 44) Třicet pět děleno pěti je sedm. 45) V Británii se vánoční dárky dávají 25. prosince. 46) Tato kniha je vytištěna na recyklovaném papíře. 47) Náš časopis je každý měsíc zasílán dvěma tisícům čtenářů. 48) Hlavní vrata se zamykají každý večer v sedm hodin. 49) Víno se vyrábí hlavně na jihu této země. 50) „Tichá noc" se zpívá v mnoha jazycích. 51) Písmeno „1" ve slově „walk" se nevyslovuje. 52) Přesné datum požáru není známo. 53) Jak se vyslovuje toto slovo? 54) A jak se píše? 55) Smějí zde psi do autobusů? 56) Kterými jazyky se mluví ve Švýcarsku? 57) Jak se ve vaší zemi slaví Velikonoce? 58) V kterém jazyce je napsán tento text? 59) Na co se to používá? 60) Z čeho se dělá čokoláda? Převeďte do trpného rodu. Příklad: How do we pronounce this word? -» How is this word pronounced? 61) They sell stamps at the post office. 62) We clean all our guests' rooms three times a week. 196 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 13. Passive voice 21) legible 22) unbelievable 23) understandable 24) unpronounceable 25) separable 26) unbreakable 27) visible 28) unforgivable 29) audible 30) inexplicable 31) convertible 32) invisible 33) portable 34) inaudible 35) washable 36) unbearable 37) memorable 38) unavoidable 39) reliable 40) uninhabitable It can be read. It cannot be believed. It can be understood. It cannot be pronounced. It/They can be separated. It cannot be broken. It can be seen. It cannot be forgiven. It can be heard. It cannot be explained. It can be converted. It cannot be seen. It can be carried. It cannot be heard. It can be washed. It cannot be borne (endured, tolerated). It can be remembered. It cannot be avoided. It/He/She cannot be relied on. It cannot be inhabited/lived in [např. stavba, oblast]/lived on [např. planeta, ostrov] Passive sentences with the present simple 41) Smoking (is) forbidden! 42) That is often said. 43) This newspaper is published in Manchester. 44) Thirty-five divided by five is seven. 45) In Britain Christmas presents are given on 25th December. 46) This book is printed on recycled paper. 47) Our magazine is sent to two thousand readers every/each month. 48) The main gate is/gates are locked at seven o'clock every/each evening. 49) Wine is produced mainly in the south of this country. 50) 'Silent Night' is sung in many languages. 51) The letter T in the word 'walk' is not pronounced. 52) The exact date of the fire is not known. 53) How is this word pronounced? 54) And how is it spelt/written? 55) Are dogs allowed on the buses here? 56) What languages are spoken in Switzerland? 57) How is Easter celebrated in your country? 58) What language is this text written in? 59) What is it used for? 60) What is chocolate made from? 61) Stamps are sold at the post office. 62) All our guests' rooms are cleaned three times a week. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 197 13. Trpný rod 63) We give all lessons in English here. 64) I think this company spends too much money on advertising. 65) They show 'Cinderella' on television every Christmas. 66) About 750 million people speak Mandarin Chinese. 67) Most schools now own computers, 68) They offer courses in various foreign languages. 69) They now sell Czech beer in a lot of British supermarkets. 70) They serve breakfast between 7am and 9am. 71) They do not show films on Sundays. 72) His employees do not respect him. 73) In which countries do they grow rice? 74) How much do they pay their employees? 75) Do they teach French at your school? 76) How do they make spaghetti? 77) Where do they wear kilts? 78) Who organizes the Prague Spring festival? 79) Who publishes her books? 80) What causes it? Úroveň D (Cvičení 81-215) Trpný rod v přítomném průběhovém čase. Přeložte. 81) Tento týden nemohu používat své auto. Opravuje se. 82) Tento měsíc se vydává jeho první sbírka básní. 83) Už dostávám [jsem obsluhován], děkuji. 84) Tato informace se posílá všem našim členům, [teď] 85) Na příští úterý se svolává [organizuje] schůze. 86) Všude se stavějí nová sídliště. 87) V knihovně se dnes instaluje nový počítačový systém. 88) Ještě tu místnost nemůžeme použít. Ještě se tam uklízí. 89) Ředitel říká, že se utrácí příliš mnoho peněz za administrativu. 90) V tomto oboru lingvistiky se dosahuje velkého pokroku. Převeďte následující věty z rodu činného do trpného. 91) They're building a new petrol station on the corner. 92) They're signing the contract this morning in Geneva. 93) They're showing that film at four Prague cinemas this week. 94) The police are now closely watching the house. 95) They're converting the local cinema into a nightclub. 96) I think someone is following us. 97) They're operating on her this afternoon. 98) They're repairing the pavement in front of our house this week. 99) This government is spending too little money on education. 100) They're not doing enough for the homeless. Trpný rod v minulém prostém čase. Přeložte. 101) Ten dopis byl poslán z Berlína. 102) Pole byla pokryta sněhem. 103) Náš dům byl postaven v roce 1907. 104) Tato univerzita byla založena v roce 1348. 198 Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 13. Passive 63) All lessons are given in English here. 64) I think too much money is spent by this company on advertising. 65) 'Cinderella' is shown on television every Christmas. 66) Mandarin Chinese is spoken by about 750 million people. 67) Computers are now owned by most schools. 68) Courses are offered in various foreign languages. 69) Czech beer is now sold in a lot of British supermarkets. 70) Breakfast is served between 7am and 9am. 71) Films are not shown on Sundays. 72) He is not respected by his employees. 73) In which countries is rice grown? 74) How much are their employees paid? 75) Is French taught at your school? 76) How is spaghetti made? 77) Where are kilts worn? 78) Who is the Prague Spring festival organized by? 79) Who are her books published by? 80) What is it caused by? Level D (examples 81-215) Passive with the present continuous 81) I can't use my car this week. It's being repaired. 82) His first collection of poems is being published this month. 83) I'm (already) being served, thank you. 84) This information is being sent to all our members. 85) A meeting is being organized/arranged for next Tuesday. 86) New housing estates are being built everywhere. 87) A new computer system is being installed in the library today. 88) We can't use the room yet. It's still being cleaned. 89) The director says that too much money is being spent on administration. 90) A lot of/Great progress is being made in this field/area of linguistics. 91) A new petrol station is being built on the corner. 92) The contract is being signed this morning in Geneva. 93) That film is being shown at four Prague cinemas this week. 94) The house is now being closely watched by the police. 95) The local cinema is being converted into a nightclub. 96) I think we are being followed (by someone). 97) She is being operated on this afternoon. 98) The pavement in front of our house is being repaired this week. 99) Too little money is being spent by this government on education. 100) Not enough is being done for the homeless. Passive with the past simple 101) The letter was posted in Berlin/was sent from Berlin. 102) The fields were covered in/with snow. 103) Our house was built in 1907. 104) This university was founded in 1348. Nová cvičebnice anglické gramatiky 199