After you read 21 Why: a does Esmeralda say that she killed Phoebus? b does everyone believe that Esmeralda is a murderer? c does Frollo offer to save Esmeralda from death by hanging? d does Esmeralda refuse his help? 22 Imagine that you are Madame Faiourdei. Tell the judge what happened on the night of March 29. Give your opinion of the prisoner. Chapter 4 (pages 36-41) Before you read 23 Esmeralda will die the following day. Frollo can save her life, but she refuses his help. Does she want to live? Can anyone save her now? What do you think? 24 Check the meaning of the word sanctuary in the Word List at the back of the book. Where in the story is a place of sanctuary for criminals? While you read 25 Which is the right word? a Esmeralda sees that Phoebus is dead/alive. b Phoebus doesn't hate/love Esmeralda or Fleur-de-Lys—only himself. c Esmeralda is taken into the cathedral by Frollo/Quasimodo. d The crowd in the square are very angry/happy that Esmeralda is safe in the cathedral. e On his return to the cathedral, Frollo thinks that Esmeralda is dead/with Phoebus. f Quasimodo gives Esmeralda a kiss/whistle. g Frollo's love for Esmeralda is making him mad/happy. 58 After you read 26 Is Frollo really an evil person? Maybe he is only unhappy? What do you think? 27 How do these people feel? Give reasons for your answers. a Quasimodo, about Esmeralda b Esmeralda, about Quasimodo c Quasimodo, about Frollo d Frollo, about Quasimodo 28 Discuss why the whistle is important to the story. Chapter 5 Before you read 29 Esmeralda is safe if she stays inside the cathedral. Discuss these questions. a How long can she stay there? b What will Frollo do? c Can Quasimodo protect her? Why (not)? 30 The chapter is called "Together in Death". Who will be together in death? Will the story have a happy ending or an unhappy one? How would you like the story to end? Tell the class. While you read 31 Who: a does Gringoire ask to save Esmeralda? ......................... b will stop Father Claude from attacking Esmeralda? ......................... c throws stones at the crowd? ......................... d stops the fight? ......................... e comes to Esmeralda's room with Gringoire? ......................... f does Gringoire leave the boat with? ......................... g is Esmeralda's mother? ......................... h kills Sachette and Esmeralda? ......................... 59