ACTIVITIES Chapter 1 Before you read 1 Look at the picture on the front of the book. What can you see? Describe the picture. 2 Read the Introduction and answer these questions. a Who are the three most important people in the story? b What city do they live in? c What is Notre-Dame? d Which country was the writer from? 3 Look at the Word List at the back of the book. a What are the words in your language? Check new words in your dictionary. b Seven of the words can be words for people. What are they? While you read 4 Who does these things? Write the letters for people's names. Pierre Gringoire (PG) Quasimodo (Q) Esmeralda (E) Claude Frollo (CF) Sachette(S) Phoebus de Chäteaupers (PC) a He is made the Pope of Fools. b She dances in the Place de Grěve. c She lives in the Tower of Roland near the Place de Grěve...... d He says that Esmeralda is evil. e He saves Esmeralda from Quasimodo in a dark street f He goes by accident into the City of Thieves. After you read 5 January 6,1482 is a strange and exciting day, for Quasimodo. What happens to him? What does he do? Describe his day. 6 Discuss these questions. a At the end of the day, Esmeralda is married to Gringoire and in love with Phoebus. What does she know about these two men? b What is the City of Thieves? Who lives there? Who is the most important person there? What happens to visitors? 54 7 Imagine that you are Pierre Gringoire. On January 7, you meet a friend in a bar. He asks, "What happened to you after they stopped the play?" Tell him. Chapter 2 Before you read 8 Discuss this question. You have met the three main people in the story—Quasimodo, Esmeralda, and Father Claude Frollo. At this point in the story, which of these three do you think are good, kind, beautiful, intelligent, sad, lonely, or evil? While you read 9 Which is the right word? a As a young man, Frollo was unusually intelligent/strong. b After he becomes a bell ringer, Quasimodo can't talk/hear. c The people of Paris are afraid of Isorry for Quasimodo. d Quasimodo hates/loves Father Frollo. e As he grows older, Frollo becomes more and more alone/ religious. 10 Complete each sentence with one word. a Quasimodo cannot........................the judge's questions. b Quasimodo is punished with........................hours of flogging. c Paquette's baby girl was stolen by the......................... d There is a little the corner of Sachette's room. e Esmeralda gives Quasimodo some......................... After you read 11 How do these people feel? Give reasons for your opinions. a Quasimodo, about Father Frollo b Father Frollo, about Quasimodo c Sachette, about Esmeralda d Esmeralda, about Sachette 55