i.......... "I m sorry," Quasimodo says. "I cannot hear you." The girl looks at his ugly face and body. She is sad for him, but she is beginning to like him. "Why did you save me?" she asks. Quasimodo watches her mouth carefully. "I understand," he answers. "You're asking me why I saved you. Don't you remember? I One night in January, I tried to carry you off. That was wrong, very wrong. But the next day, I was tied to the torturer's wheel. You brought water to me. You were my only friend. Now I'll help you if I can." Í "You saved my life!" Esmeralda says and smiles at him. "We'll always be friends." "I have something for you," says Quasimodo happily. "I cannot be near your room all the time. But take this whistle. If you need me, whistle for me. I can hear that." The long days pass slowly for Esmeralda. Father Claude Frollo, »of course, learns that she is not dead. She has found sanctuary in his cathedral. His mind cannot rest, and he walks through the dark, silent church for hours each night. One night, the priest cannot stop himself, so he climbs to Esmeralda's little room. He steps across something at her door and silently goes in. Then he hurries to her bed and takes her in his arms. Esmeralda sits up and tries to push the priest away. "Go away! Devil! Murderer!" she screams with hate. "Please, please! Love me!" the priest shouts. He kisses her neck and shoulders. "I need you. I can't live without you." "Let me go!" cries Esmeralda. She tries to escape. But the priest holds her down and shouts, "Be quiet! I'll have you!" Esmeralda reaches out, finds Quasimodo's whistle on the floor, and puts it to her mouth. It makes a loud, clear sound. "What's that?" asks the priest. 40 Suddenly, the priest is lifted up and thrown to the floor outside Esmeralda's room. As usual Quasimodo was sleeping at her door. He lifts a large knife above his head to kill this evil attacker. But the light from the moon shows Quasimodo the face of Father Claude Frollo. The hunchback drops the knife, but stands between him and Esmeralda. "Father Claude, I will not hurt you. But you'll have to kill me before you touch this girl." The priest runs down the stairs. His only thought is, "She loves Quasimodo and he defends her. But nobody will have her if I can't." Chapter 5 Together in Death Pierre Gringoire, the poor writer, has continued to live near the City of Thieves in Esmeralda's little house. He has heard that his wife is now safe in Notre-Dame. He is quite happy to live without her. In fact, he has begun to forget about Esmeralda, but sometimes he thinks about Djali, his little friend. One afternoon, Gringoire is walking near the river when he feels a hand on his shoulder. "Monsieur Gringoire, how are you?" asks Father Claude Frollo. "I'm very well, Father," answers Gringoire. "My health is not excellent—but good." He is surprised by the changes in the priest. The older man's hair is almost white now, his skin is very pale, and his eyes are deep in his head. "Then you have no problems?" asks the priest. "No, not I." "But you are still poor?" "Poor, yes, but not unhappy." "And what about your pretty wife?" asks the priest. 41